Friday, March 13, 2009

Jeff's Cooking Tip #2 - Stand Mixer

My trusty Kitchenaid (above), ready to roll!

This is part 2 in my occasional series of cooking tips for those here in Hollywood. As you may recall, nobody in Hollywood cooks... anything... ever... so here goes once again:

I don't want to give you the impression that you really need more than the basic stove/oven/frig/pots&pans to cook well, but there is one gadget I got for Christmas (yes, I'm a geek and I asked for it) about ten years ago: Kitchenaid stand mixer.

These things are great! Everything from cakes to pudding to bread to egg whites are ten times easier to make when you have a stand mixer. One is more likely to whip up a good batter when you don't have to untangle the cord of a hand mixer, hunt down beaters, then clean it all up. The stand mixer is a bigger bowl, it is less messy, and a thorough mix. Plus, it sits there ready-to-go and all you have to do is dump your ingredients and turn it on.

What I like about the Kitchenaid:

1) Tough - A super industrial sized motor is powerful enough to pull a boat out of the water.

2) Heavy duty - Takes a lot to jam one of these babies-up. If it clogs, it is most likely inedible.

3) Convenient - Table top means ready to go! Always staring at you ready to work.

A touch expensive, but one of the best investments I ever made. Don't cheap out and get an off-brand, get the Kitchenaid!

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