Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Uncool Music Playlist - Too Much Joy "Long Haired Guys from England"

The Uncool hits keep on rolling... Live, from Jeff's iPod is #24 on his most played list "Long Haired Guys from England" by Too Much Joy.

How can resist lyrics like this:

'There's this girl from my record company,
I dig her but she doesn't like me.
I met her boyfriend the other night,
He had a ponytail and he didn't talk right,
He was a long haired guy from England!'

and my favorite...

'Except for that guy from Midnight Oil.
He's bald, he's from Australia, it's sort of the same concept.'

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Uncool Music Playlist - Styx "Best of Times"

The Uncool hits keep on rolling... Live, from Jeff's iPod it is #9 on his most played list "The Best of Times" by Styx.

The best excuse I can come up with is that it was the song at my senior prom. Then again, that's a horrible excuse. It was also the first really big concert I ever saw (Baltimore Civic Center) so how about that one!

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Uncool History - Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples

Jeff's Uncool history series continues with a look at Anglo history going way back to the day...

Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill (arranged by Henry Steele Commager).

This is an abridged version of what is a four volume mega set written by Winston Churchill. The short version is good enough for me.

This is an interesting history book that gives a real thorough historical overview of British history and key events in that history along with what happened to Britain's colonial 'children'. Whether we want to admit it or not, America and our culture is a descendant of that country so if we want to understand ourselves we should have some perspective on it. Churchill seemed to feel there was an ongoing relationship/culture/kinship between Britain and all of its former colonies. Hence the 'English Speaking Peoples' reference in the title...

What I think is coolest about this book is listening to Churchill talk about American history from the point of view of an Englishman:

"The Radicals, who began to call themselves 'Patriots,' seized their opportunity to force a crisis."

"In spite of the Boston 'massacre,'..."

It's interesting. Read your history!

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