Thursday, February 26, 2009

Toys for Big Boys

One of the coolest things about getting older is the chance to finally get some of your own money and stuff. Here in Hollywood, it's even more ridiculous. I live down the street from a Lamborghini dealership. People up the hill from me have some of the craziest media rooms. And a quick drive down PCH and you can see the Hollywood elite living in Malibu splendor. Definitely, Toys for the Big Boys...

However, I haven't hit my Hollywood jackpot, so I have to settle for toys a little more in my price range: Legos.

(Above) Not ashamed to admit that one of Jeff's
favorite toys of all time is still the classic Lego.

I love Legos because you can design that dream home, media room, or castle. Or better yet, make a really cool space ship. The biggest problem with Legos is if your kids catch you playing with them, then they want to play too. Then they copy what I'm doing and think that's okay. Then the two year old starts wrecking everything and laughing. Then when I get mad at the two year old, my wife says, "That's the great thing about Legos, you can rebuild them." Yeah, yeah, yeah...

And now that I'm a grown-up, I can buy as many as I want. But I usually don't. They're too expensive. Sheez...

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