Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trek Week - Poster Magazines

As Star Trek movie week continues...

Below is some of my collection of Star Trek poster magazines I used to get when I was a kid. I bought my first one at the mall bookstore and ordered a subscription for the monthly. As a goofy kid, if I liked something I'd buy the subscription and I loved getting these things in the mail every month. Chock full of Trek information and analysis, I was at the perfect age to dig this kind of crud.

As you read and unfolded the magazine, it became a poster. Of course the Uncoolest kids bedroom in Maryland was covered NOT with Farrah Fawcett posters like it should have been, but with Star Trek stuff. Oh well...

Like usual, I never threw them away and have them to this day.

Side note: the magazine was discontinued part of the way through my subscription so they started sending me Star Wars poster magazines, Close Encounters poster magazines, and even Charlies Angels poster magazines. I was disappointed beyond measure.

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