Saturday, May 9, 2009

Going to see the Star Trek Movie

Star Trek movie week reaches its conclusion tonight as me and the wife hit the AMC Promenade here in Woodland Hills to see the brand new Star Trek movie. We've decided to make a somewhat date night but we miscalculated youth sports and may not be able to.

In typical Uncool fashion, I have also tracked down a coupon so that we can get a free Coke with our popcorn.

It's been a fun week in anticipation, much like how NFL football works. It's not always just the game that is fun, but the talking about it and looking forward to it. I'm lucky Ms. Uncool Hollywood likes Star Trek as well so we will certainly enjoy the flick. Babysitting and kid watching is taken care of, ready to hit the road.

Thank you for being patient with my whole Star Trek week thing. We return to strictly Uncool Hollywood stuff beginning tomorrow.

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Wags said...

Knowing that you now reside on the left/west coast, how do you feel about Tribbles?

Jeffrey Rhodes said...

Now that I am west coast, I am firmly behind the Tribbles as they seek the right to marriage.