Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Records - Journey "Departure"

It had been an eventful day. First, I taught two of my sons how to sneak into Universal Studios Theme Park so we could ride the Simpsons ride for free (another post, another time). Then we went to a hip-hop concert (another post, another time) but left early so we could see the 'Get Smart' movie (another post, another time). So we're running down Universal City Walk to hit the 8:30 showing, when I hear this cover band playing "Any Way You Want It" from Journey.

I stop in my tracks. Why the heck would a band play that song? My white man overbite kicked in ever so slightly but I was able to reign it in. Since when do cover bands, even 80's cover bands, play fairly obscure Journey songs? I pondered that notion for about four seconds and then me and the boys got into line to buy our 'Get Smart' tickets. As we wait to buy tickets (at Universal, you buy the tickets outside), the next song from the cover band, "Oh Sherrie" from Steve Perry. I'm like, wait a minute. Two semi-Journey songs back-to-back. I look closer. Steve Frickin' Perry, former lead singer of Journey, is singing with a cover band at Universal City Walk on a Friday night!

I'm like, this is crazy! I buy the movie tickets and walk over to join the other 27 people who are watching Steve Perry sing his greatest hits to a bunch of tourists. I watch for about three minutes (the boys are tugging at my arm), then go inside to watch the 'Get Smart' movie.

That's my Steve Perry of Journey story.

I bought this earlier album after I had already gotten into the band. This album cover is the first of their 'bug spaceship' series. It seems a lot of bands back in the 70's had some crazy spaceship thing working on their cover (Boston, Jefferson Starship).

Has not aged very well. Just ask my two oldest boys.

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sissy said...

I have inside information, and I had to let you know that you were mistaken. That was NOT the real Steve Perry. We know this for a fact.

Jeffrey Rhodes said...

Maybe so because it seemed very, very strange indeed!

ponz said...

If you got a picture of the guy. I for sure could confirm if it was actually Steve perry.