As a member in good standing of the Hollywood community, it is fully expected that you go to movies as a matter of life. Of course, being the Uncoolest Dude in Hollywood, I hardly ever go because I have four kids (babysitters are expensive and the word appears to be out in the babysitter community that my kids are maniacs) and tickets are very expensive (I'm cheap). I love DVD's so I buy a lot of those and get my movie fix through my big TV and all the DVD's.
But occasionally, the stars align and I go to the movies. However, the rarity of the event creates a problem. I really, really, really want the movie to be good so there's always pressure to make a good pick. Because of my recent birthday, my young nephew decided to take me to see "Watchmen". So we did.
Went to the fabulous Arclight cinemas in fabulous Sherman Oaks.
"Watchmen" - The Jeff Review - I read the graphic novel a few weeks ago. So I'll quote my nephews opinion of the movie because it is the same as mine: 'After reading the graphic novel, and watching the movie, even though it is the first time I saw the movie, I feel like it was the second time.' I liked it but there were absolutely no surprises. The words were the same. The visuals were the same. The plot was the same (98% the same). I feel like I already saw it.
When I read the graphic novel, I would read a chapter each night before bed. Thus, as I watched the movie, I found myself wanting to go to sleep. I don't think it was boredom, I think it was my body remembering the Watchmen/go-to-sleep trigger. So my head bobbed twelve times. It was almost 3 hours long. If you haven't read the graphic novel, you might not like it. If you've read the graphic novel, you'll like it but it won't necessarily blow you away.
Not sure if that helps... Next review: I'm planning on seeing the new Star Trek movie but there's no guarantee we'll get a babysitter.
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