In a bid to help things along and get a leg up on the competition, I have become a connoisseur of self-help tapes. I have a theory that if you listen to a bunch of different series, you'll start to see some commonalities between the different dudes (it always seems to be dudes) and perhaps the wisdom will cream to the top.
Being not only the Uncoolest Dude in Hollywood, but also one of the cheapest, I refuse to pay full-price for these things. Most of these tapes have come from the one of two places a cheapskate loves: eBay (the other place is of course craigslist).
Hint: always look at the shipping costs, these sellers can be sharks!
I've gotten a bunch of tapes from Anthony Robbins, from Suze Orman, from Stephen Covey, from Jack Canfield, from Jeffrey Gitomer, from every other cat with a system and a tape recorder. But it has not been in vain because I now know the two secrets to life:
1. Set goals and stick to them.
2. Don't spend more money than you have.
0-2 ... Drats. I need more tapes.
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