Thursday, April 1, 2010

Uncool April Fool's

I generally don't start it, but when someone plays a prank, I usually come back over the top. Just ask the poor soul whom I convinced that our office building was built on the site of an old insane asylum. When the 'ghost' appeared, she screamed for eight full minutes.

Or the old co-worker I convinced that a colony of rats had burrowed under the building and had 'reportedly eaten a homeless man'.

Now that my children are getting a little older, they have dared to "fool" me. Hey Dad, is that some food on your shirt? April Fools. Hey Dad, I forgot to do my homework? April Fools. Hey Dad, there's a snake on your head. April Fools.

Well... call out the child psychologists, I'm about to put a hurtin' on the ol' boys. Details to come...

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