I honestly really, really, really thinned things out before I moved to California five years ago, but still I stumble across more 'Stuff I Keep'. It really is not very cool to keep everything you may run across but then again I stopped worrying about cool many moons ago. Case in point...
I keep the ticket stubs from sporting events. Growing up in Baltimore, all the biggies happened at Memorial Stadium so I found this book full of ticket stubs with arrows pointing to where I sat for each of event. A friend of mine from work had given me this cool picture of old Memorial Stadium so I naturally kept it and put it to good use.
Looking through this book, I realized I had season tickets to the Orioles (with my friend Steve Weinstein, Section 13, row 9, seat 16 - first row on the wall, right on the aisle). I had season tickets to the Baltimore CFL Stallions (Section 12 Low, row 24, seat 19 - About the 40 yard line with Larry & Brian Leonardi, Tony Weis, John Donatelli, and Brian Kemp). Also, the first couple of years of the Baltimore Ravens (U11, row 32, seat 14 - with Larry Leonardi & Brian Kemp - nosebleeds extreme).
Though I complain, I really like the stuff I keep. Don't tell anyone...
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