Took a spin through the old record collection and pulled out Van Halen's "1984". This in a lot of ways was the height of the old school record ways. Four songs on one side. Four songs on the other side. Lots of fancy pictures in parachute pants. A cool 'bad boy-ish' painting on the front. Done, done and done. Today, it seems like a 'CD' has to have at least a dozen tracks on it before it could be considered a full album. You know Van Halen probably recorded twenty five songs and whittled it down to the best eight. No filler, no crud. Eight good tunes, out to the record store.
Van Halen is always good for the white man overbite. I probably should have gone at least 3 1/2 white man overbites but this is the album that Van Halen went synth so all us old schoolers still have to give a ritualistic swap for the slight. Even though it's great. It's got that rock/synth classic 'Jump', my personal favorite 'Panama' and everybodies' favorite 'Hot For Teacher'
Three white man overbites on the WMO jam scale.
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