Dove into the old record collection and pulled out HONEYDRIPPERS "Volume One". This is one of those records that at the time you felt like it was probably cool to buy but didn't really dig it. It was kind of a novelty album and one of the few EP's I ever bought.
Note to the kids: A full blown 'album' or 'record' was also known as an LP (long play). An 'EP' (extended play) meant that it only had a couple of songs on it. Back in the day, you'd get an EP and it would have three or four versions of the same song on it.
This particular EP had five songs: I Get a Thrill, Sea of Love (the big hit off this EP), I Got a Woman, Young Boy Blues, Rockin' at Midnight
The Honeydrippers were even famous because it was half of Led Zeppelin (Robert Plant, Jimmy Page) along with other pretty heavy weight musicians (Jeff Beck notably). The music was all old 50's rock n' roll and was one of the first projects where 'modern' rock n' rollers revisted that old stuff. Again, it was one of those albums you felt like you had to buy though it wasn't all that.
I'm going with zero white man overbites on the WMO jam scale mainly because I'm still bitter that my Rock Band guitar died this week and I'm just not in a rockin' mood.
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