Woo-hoo! Are you ready for some football?? Yeah, buddy. Either you understand it or you don't. I'm not going to try and convince you that you should or shouldn't like football, I'm just saying it can be a passion for us goobers.
Your Baltimore Ravens are now all in camp and training for this years exciting run to the Super Bowl and your favorite Uncoolest dude in Hollywood is watching avidly from afar. This is the one time of year I really miss living back in my Westminster, MD home. I lived walking distance to the Ravens practice field and would go up there quite a bit. Oh, well.
But a new season is upon us and pretty soon I'll have to remind the wife of the 'Sunday Rules':
1. Jeff gets to watch the Ravens each Sunday. This can be live, this can be TiVo, but it will be watched. (oh, those Sunday's in church when you know the game is happening right that minute...)
2. Jeff requires two hours after any Ravens loss to be grouchy without strings attached.
3. Stay out of the living room during games unless you are with the program.
IN EXCHANGE, Jeff agrees...
a) Once the game is over, I may watch other football at the leisure and pleasure of the wife (she would prefer I spent the rest of the Sunday with the family. "Don't YOU want to spend the day with the family?").
b) No throwing of anything (glasses, bottles, tantrums)
c) Go to church (one playoff exemption)
d) Pre-seaon does not count in the standings, pre-season doesn't count for this.
This day is glorious!