Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Twinkies: A Celebration of Gold - Pt. 3 - Twinkie Art

I'm a big believer that all things in life somehow relate back to Twinkies. So it stands to reason that much of the best art of the past 100 years are a reflection of a love for this most perfect and delicate pastry. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway... enjoy.

(Above) "Why?" Was it death or something else that caused
the insane notion of dropping a half-eaten Twinkie.
"A Study in Gold" (below) from the Museum of Historical Pastry.

The famous "Blue Twinkie" exhibit (above).

Twinkies: A Celebration of Gold - Pt. 2 - Recipes & Cookbook
Twinkies: A Celebration of Gold - Pt. 1 - How to Make from Scratch
Twinkies: The Fingers of the Gods

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