Spinning through the old record collection and I picked up Styx "Cornerstone". This is one of those albums that in the big scheme of things only has one hit song that has stood the test of time "Babe". However, I can't stand "Babe". I couldn't stand "Babe" back then. In fact, I bought the Styx greatest hits a few years back and "Babe" is the only one I consistently skip. I'm not a "Babe" man. The other song on this album of that ilk is "First Time", but since it doesn't turn up on greatest hits or anywhere it is far less annoying.
I've always liked this album for the other less popular songs. "Lights", "Why Me", "Boat on a River" always fairly rocked for me which is why despite "Babe" and "First Time", I'm giving Styx "Cornerstone" 3 white man overbites on the WMO jam scale.
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