I have a very busy day and week earning on the main gig but I don't like to get too far out of the creative mode so I've decided to hit the ol' idea wall and see if I can't get one of these NOTES off the board. Like a lot of writers, I've got scraps of papers and half ideas all over the place.
Currently, I've got one feature idea I am fleshing out with another writer (which I am very excited about), I've got another idea I'm trying to get to the scripting stage (which is a cool idea if I can get some elements worked out), and I have two scripts in the revision stage (which means they are just about ready to hit the bottom of my desk drawer).
Being unproduced (in the big game) puts me in an interesting position shared by lots of us creative types. You really can't get a sniff until you've done something, and it's hard to do something without getting a sniff.
There are really only a couple of options:
1. Find a dude with some juice, interest them in your work, and partner with them as you try to sell work.
2. Doing something creative on your own (you know, like a blog, short film, YouTube crap, etc.), to get noticed and develop your own juice.
Since I am the Uncoolest Dude in Hollywood and don't get to the club much or the health club much and since I work from the house and I don't bump into people much, my best strategy is develop my own juice.
So in between tasks on my highly important, supportive day gig, I will be developing an idea for a TV show I've been mulling for some time in hopes that some knucklehead in the industry may notice and take a meeting before some other knucklehead with more juice than me steals the idea and uses it for themselves. The plan is weak, but I want to get this idea off of the idea board and into my desk drawer pronto.
TOMORROW: I reveal the title of my newest television series idea. Hint: it's a comedy and it involves food.
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