Nothing like a good yard sale to fill up the house with stuff you probably don't need. But who can possibly resist the bargains! The telephone poles and street signs in my neighborhood were littered with those tell-tale indecipherable scratchings that indicated somebody's junk was in somebody's front yard ready to be bought and sold. I had the yardsale fever. I was not going to be denied! First, a review of the different kinds of sales:
- Yard Sale - People clean out their houses and haul the junk into their grass to sell to dopes like me.
- Garage Sale - People don't even bother to haul it to the grass, they open their garage door and start selling to dopes like me.
- Neighborhood Sale - One neighbor notices that another neighbor took the time and money to put up signs so they quickly go through their house, haul out junk to the yard to take advantage of all the dopes like me who are suddenly nearby.
- Estate Sale - The yard sale of the dead (my favorite).
We hit an estate sale and it was awesome. Everything must go or it goes in the dumpster. We found some really nice cookware (cake pans, cooling racks, cupcake molds), but my favorite were the old board games. Picked up a very, very old Monopoly game that had clearly never been used more than once. Pristine. An old Yahtzee set (always need more score pads). A cool old game called Password (Password was a really cool TV show as well). And a nifty board game called Solotaire (endorsed by Lucille Ball herself).
I also picked up an old book of parlor/car/table games and an old-school pencil sharpener. $14 all-in. Cheap has its rewards.
Plus, when it comes time for my summer
yardsale, I'll have plenty of junk to sell!
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