This record was one of my first 'dangerous forays' into punk. Now, let's be clear. Missing Persons is anything but punk. They are some kind of new wave, eclectic something or other but had punk-ish hair and mullets and they wore eye shadow, and the lead singer Dale Bozzio had this quirky/punky singing style. I knew that even back then, but punk was just a little bit too much for my sensitive ears back in the day. So I went new wave.
It's very interesting how good music stands the test of time. For example, I wasn't all that interested in the Sex Pistols, or the Clash, or the Ramones, or any of those 'subversive' type of groups but the music is so listenable now its scary. The stuff really holds up. Unfortunately, all I have to show for it is Missing Persons.
As for the album, it actually had three tracks that had some legs: "Destination Unknown", "Walking in L.A." and "Words". Anyone of these songs is bound to rear its head on your local 'Jack' station, so they must of have charted to some level. Throwing it on the 'ol turntable, I have to admit that I started bobbing my Uncool head a little bit. Whatever deal they cut with devil must have worked because I was digging it.
They redeemed themselves enough to me to earn 1 1/2 white man overbites on the jam scale. If they were only on Rock Band, I could see my hips beginning to gyrate...
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