Now we're talkin', baby! Say what you want about our Canadian brothers to the north, but when they put their mind to it, they know how to elicit the white man overbite (WMO). RUSH "Moving Pictures" has got to be on anyone's top ten WMO list. Just look at these three from side one: 'Tom Sawyer', 'YYZ' (a Guitar Hero classic already), and 'Limelight'. As I've revisited the old record collection, this was the first album that really had me wanting to "make a tape".
Make a tape (v) - What we would do in the old days if someone had a "record" we liked. We'd ask to borrow the "album" and "make a tape". It literally means to record the album onto a cassette tape, write all of the names of the songs on the blank tape cover, draw a cool drawing on the spine of the cassette, then play it real loud in our cars. A cheap way of not buying the album.

Speaking of buying the album, Jeff the cheapo strikes again. Looking at the sticker on the cover, I clearly bought this album used from a "record shop"
Record shop (n) - a store that sold new/used albums, blank tapes, and marijuana supplies.
Notice the GUARANTEED NOT TO SKIP hand-typed label and the $3.49 price. Nice...
I digress. Side two starts off with 'The Camera Eye', an eleven minute opus that is kind of cool in a 'drinking lots of beer in the dorm room' kind of way. But the real jams are on side one and jam they do, earning the highly coveted FOUR OVERBITES on the white man overbite jam scale. 4 WMO's are going to be hard to beat...
Record shop (n) - a store that sold new/used albums, blank tapes, and marijuana supplies.
Notice the GUARANTEED NOT TO SKIP hand-typed label and the $3.49 price. Nice...
I digress. Side two starts off with 'The Camera Eye', an eleven minute opus that is kind of cool in a 'drinking lots of beer in the dorm room' kind of way. But the real jams are on side one and jam they do, earning the highly coveted FOUR OVERBITES on the white man overbite jam scale. 4 WMO's are going to be hard to beat...
Rush is my most FAVORITE band! My husband and I had our first date at a Rush concert! But I have loved them since high school. I know every drum move by Neal Pert by heart! :) And I have seen them in Radio City Music Hall in NYC! Awesome!
Nice... I played 'Tom Sawyer' on Rock Band on Saturday night. My wife and children were very impressed (is that what it means when they roll their eyes?)
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