I always swore I wouldn't get a bunch of video game crud. In fact, I forbid any video games from ever entering my home for many years. The family worked me over for a long time and I finally gave in on one small concession: I allowed a used, yard sale Nintendo to brought in. I should have known better.
Like crack, that became the gateway electronic device. Somehow, someway, I turned around or closed my eyes or blinked or something and when I re-focused, my home was full of video games, wires, discs, cartridges, controllers, cables, empty cases, disks without cases, directions, books about games, chips, memory cards, accessories, and remotes.

Heaven forbid I need to walk through the living room in the middle of the night to get a drink of water from the kitchen. It is not unusual to end up in a heap on the floor, tangled in cords with a WII on my head. I'm not even sure how we got all these things. I know we didn't pay retail for most of this stuff, but despite my anger, I don't through it through the window.
It is however the only reliable pre-teen/teenager babysitter. If I need 30 minutes of peace, I authorize game play and take my nap. The problem kicks-in when trying to remove them from the games. I am reminded of that scene in Alien when the sucker creature attaches to the face of the human and how they tried to remove it...

At least the kids are getting good exercise as they learn values, teamwork and hand-eye coordination.
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