Saturday, May 16, 2009

Presidential Election 2012 - Hollywood Conundrum

Living and working in the most non-conservative most intolerant city in the world makes it difficult to talk politics. You either go with the flow, say what you think everybody else thinks, be silent or you don't work. The blacklist is alive and well. So how does the Uncoolest Dude in Hollywood talk presidential politics? By making my official endorsement for the next presidential election early and fast. My choice:


Oh sure, they're dead, but there are tremendous upsides. First, Richard Nixon is from California so I've got the homer crowd covered. Agnew is from Baltimore County, so I've got my home state covered ('You've gone Hollywood, haven't you?'). He's Republican so I've got that covered, but he was really one of the most liberal presidents in a lot of ways so I've got that covered. He's dead, so I've got the "but what about the damage he could do" crowd covered. He's experienced and he's already pardoned, so I've got all the legal stuff covered.

Tricky Dick and Spiro T. for a REAL change!

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Unknown said...

Glad you picked up the Towson guy on the right.

Jeffrey Rhodes said...

Always have to throw props to the local Maryland boys. Even when they are dead...