Two things to note right off the top: this is actually my wife's record and this record is actually kind of cool.
The reason I decided to take a look at this album was because I had a tape of it that I listened to constantly in college. So in a sense, I felt like I owned it. My roommate from college, a pretty cool cat in his own right by the name of Tim Leffel had all of the Cars albums and I spent the first few weeks of freshman year 'taping' as much as I could. Back in the days of $5.98 records, even if there were multiple tracks you liked on an album, it was decadent to own the album if you had access to it and the ability to tape it. So I erred on the side of cheap, taped the bulk of his collection and jammed for the price of blank tapes.
I had a "Walkman" (a miniature, battery powered cassette tape player with which one listened to their 'mixtapes'. A much bulkier precurser to the iPod) that I would listen to back at college. I loved that "Walkman". Then a teammate from the football team borrowed it, broke it, swore it was broken already, and never paid me back. So I had to listen to my Cars tapes either in the car or on the 'stereo'. I miss that "Walkman".
I digress. With the exception of the disturbingly effeminate pictures on the back, 'Candy-O' rocks my socks. The three tracks I dig the most, 'Let's Go', 'It's All I Can Do', and 'Dangerous Type' alone make it worth 3 white man overbites on the WMO scale.
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