If you are from the east coast, specifically Maryland/Delaware/Virginia region, Memorial Day weekend can mean only one thing: steamed crabs. Yet being here in Hollywood, makes it incredibly difficult to maintain that tradition for anything less than three gold bars it would cost to ship blue crabs live across the country.
That being said, there are ways of faking a crab feast here on the west coast and that requires two important elements:
a) Cold beer
b) Old Bay

For the proper eating of steamed crabs, the beer obviously has to be cold. (Reminds me of the old joke: Man walks into a bar and asks for a cold beer. The bartender asks 'what kind?'. The man says, 'I just told you... cold.') Preferably cheap beer but definitely cold.
If you are not from the mid-Atlantic you may be unfamiliar with Old Bay. Old Bay is the spice that you gob generously on top of steamed crabs to season them. By gob, I mean at least a half an inch of rock salt and seasony goodness heaped high on top. Steamed crabs tend to taste a lot like Old Bay. Hence, anything with Old Bay on top reminds everyone of steamed crabs.
In fact, potato chips seasoned with Old Bay are called Crab Chips.
So for us native east coaster reveling this holiday in the trappings of Hollywood, here are my suggestions:
1) Dungeness crab with Old Bay.
2) Lobster with Old Bay.
3) Sushi with Old Bay.
4) Hamburger with Old Bay.
5) Pumpkin Pie with Old Bay.
6) Old Bay mixed in water and sipped like a cocktail.
...and cold beer. Happy Memorial Day weekend...

Get a disposable aluminum pan.
One beer.
One large purple onion.
Heavy duty aluminum foil - enough to cover the pan.
One can of Old Bay.
2 lbs of JUMBO (12-15 count) shrimp. Ok, just 2 pounds of shrimp... FIRE UP THE GRILL!
Cut the onion into 1/8s (will little like triangles). Layer them in the aluminum pan.
Pour 1/2 the beer in the pan. Dispose of the rest of the beer the best way you know how.
Cover tightly with foil and bring to a boil on the grill.
Meanwhile, coat the shrimp with a ton of Old Bay (as much as needed).
Once the beer is boiling, place the shrimp on the onions. Cover tightly and beer steam for 12 minutes... perfection.
Nice... and yummy!
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