Being one of fourteen Christians here in Hollywood, it makes you start thinking about your faith. In terms of Uncoolness, it probably ranks pretty high that I like going to church and don't like when I miss. Really. It certainly is a strange development for me as well because I always really, really, really enjoyed sitting around on Sunday doing a whole lot of nothing (unless you count nursing a hangover as doing something). Football. Wings. Slugging on the couch. Sundays were very relaxing.
But then me and the family started going to church. At first, I didn't seem to mind going, it would be good for the kids. Then, it slowly started becoming okay to go, I got a lot out of the messages. And before you knew it, I liked it. We even met some people there who weren't creepy, and hang out with them on occassion.
And in an even more startling development, I've come to enjoy putting money into the offering plate. Seriously. Whenever things are rotten, I go to church, pray a prayer or two, give some dough to the offering, and something positive happens the next week. Not being one to buck a good thing, I've been doing it ever since and am so far pleased with the results.
Uncool advice #14: Go to church, give them some dough, meet people, TiVO the football and watch it later! Thus, endeth the sermon. Amen.
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