Sure, they're environmentally unfriendly. Sure, they are hard on fireplaces. Sure, they don't last very long.
But, man, I simply love fake logs. If you have a fireplace or firepit, there is no better and easier way to get that fire raging and just as quickly get it out.
I recently went home back east for a little bit, and they were burning a wood stove for heat. They were chopping down trees. They were using chain saws. They were splitting the logs. They were piling them on trucks and taking them to the house where they piled them on the side of the house. Then, you had to lug them into the house. Then it was 500 degrees in front of the woodstove, and 40 degrees from ten feet beyond. Then you had to get up in the middle of the night to add logs. Dude, it's the new millennium!
I'm like, sheez... Use the heater and throw some fake logs on the fireplace. They are easy to light and they blaze away. Plus, within an hour or so they are completely disintegrated so you don't have to worry about a fire in the middle of the night. Thank you, fake logs!
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