Every time I had another kid, my Dad would bust out with something along the lines of, "You know, kids cost money." If anyone ever doubted it, a quick glance at my refrigerator gives all the clues one would need. Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six gallons of milk currently sit in the frig. That's right, that stuff that goes bad pretty quick. That stuff that spoils if it sits around too long.

Not at the Rhodes house. These monsters drink milk like its milkSHAKE mix or something. I feel like the dorkiest Dad in the world yelling at my kids for DRINKING milk when most parents have to yell to get them to drink it. We have to ration it or I'd be buying four gallons per day. I honestly believe it would be much, much cheaper to have an actual cow and pay for the hay, etc.
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