Thursday, February 25, 2010

Birthday Wishlist 2010

With my birthday fast approaching, the family has been asking what I want for my upcoming birthday. To make it simple and to adjust for today's market conditions, here is a pretty good list:

1. Goldfish Crackers (1 gallon container) - I love eating these yummy heroin-filled treats so much that I learned early you can't just eat one. One bag. So many years ago, I switched to the one gallon container. I don't eat nearly as many as I'd like anymore (for lots of reasons), but hey, it's my birfdee.

2. Diet Coke - Quite frankly, any caffeine-filled diet soda will work but since it is my birfdee coming up, I might as well go with my preference. I like diet coke in the can, the bottle or the barrel as long as it is cold.
3. I take several pre-planned naps every year. Fathers Day and the Birfdee. Cold, dark and guilt free (much like my diet coke).
4. Finally, if you truly insist on getting me something of a monetary nature and I seriously doubt there is a line for this, how about a Target gift card. Then I can go to Target, buy some Goldfish crackers, diet coke and consume them before my nap.

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