A western in outer space. Jeff's latest example of why TV is superior to movies: Firefly.
When this showed first aired on the FOX network, the episodes were famously aired in the wrong order. It was quickly canceled and three episodes remained in the can. Then came the DVD box set. With the time to develop a setting and characters, Firefly created a completely unique and at the same time completely familiar universe. By putting the characters squarely in outer space and drawing a completely obvious parallel to westerns Joss Whedon created one of the coolest settings for a tv series to date.
Buy or rent the box set. Watch them in order. Lament the loss of the never created season two. The cool thing is that with the success of the box set, Universal greenlit a Firefly movie entitled "Serenity" that pretty much wraps up the series. Rent or buy the box set Firefly. Rent or buy "Serenity". Enjoy!
Side note: With Firefly and Battlestar Galactica, we have two outer space shows that are completely and exclusively populated by humans (no alien species or planets). There's something to say for what you can do dramatically when you make that creative decision.
The dialogue is very, very clever.
Title: Firefly
Episodes: 1/2 season (14 episodes + 1 two-hour feature)
Status: Cancelled most heinously
Jeff's favorite quote... Wash (the pilot): "Hey, I've been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire." (beat) "Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity."
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