"Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow.
If you want to have any kind of understanding about the founding of the US and our government, you have to read this book. Alexander Hamilton is the dude on the 10 dollar bill and if you are like me you are probably like 'who the heck is this guy?'
Often times you'll hear people talk about how 'it's impossible to know what the founding fathers were thinking when they framed the Constitution'. That's the biggest load of bunk when you a book like this. It is all very, very clear indeed.
What was cool about this book:
a) Hamilton pretty much invented the government we have today
b) Hamilton pretty much invented the two party system we have today
c) Hamilton was the first US politician to be rocked by a sex scandal
d) Hamilton died in a duel... against the sitting Vice President!
This is another one of those books where we learn what a douche Thomas Jefferson was. I am reasonably confident that I am one of the few people in the blogoshpere to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Next time... duck.
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