It's kind of cool in Hollywood to drink too much diet soda. We've all heard stories about so-and-so and so-and-so who have a five can a day habit or some nonsense.
Then, at some point, it gets ridiculous. It is uncool in Hollywood to drink MASSIVE amounts of diet soda. Probably even a touch ridiculous... yikes! Look at that pile of cans in the recycle bin.
I spend more money on the California aluminum can deposits than I do on gas for my car! Then, because it is the "right thing to do" (plus, I need that money back), I go to my local Ralph's grocery store and stand in line at the recycle trailer (when it bothers to open, which ends up being every third Thursday).
And then the process of trying to get that money back at the recycling center is a journey through four of the rings of hell as you navigate long lines, surly attendants, and gang of homeless dudes all begging for your cans.
All of which is probably the good Lords way of saying, "Stop drinking so much stinking diet soda." Touche.
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