True Blood (above). The stupidest show on television.Much like that curmudgeon with the shorts and black socks I've become, I like to watch what I like to watch on TV and I've stopped trying to impress anyone with my taste. I've divided my lists accordingly, so here goes...
These are shows that I've seen or watch because my wife watches. I don't really like these shows but I can stomach it for the sake of my loved ones:
True Blood - What the heck is it with vampires? I don't completely understand why we need forty seven versions of the vampire thing going on right now. I so wanted to like this show, but its stupid. Everybody has horrible accents, the vampire stuff is stupid, it's not particularly funny, it's not particularly scary, and it's stupid. Besides all that, I'm fine with it.
Law & Order: (Fill in the blank) God bless Dick Wolf for creating 3,492 episodes of television. He's got to be a billionaire a couple of times over by now. After about episode 2,500, I was pretty much done.
Sons of Anarchy (above) the greatest show on television.SHOWS EVERYONE ELSE LIKES THAT I LIKE ALSO
This is the list of shows I'd say I liked if I were at a cool guy party and I didn't want to lie and I knew it would be safe to say so. Plus, I really like them.
Sons of Anarchy - As per usual, I'm suckered into hoping the bad guys win. This time it is dirt bag bikers who run guns. Not that bikers are necessarily bad, only when they run guns.
Dexter - I'll be honest, this is getting close to my 'I'm not digging this anymore list' but it is turning around. I haven't seen the finale yet (satellite issues) but I heard it was epic so don't tell me.
Modern Family - Not sure how long I'll dig this show but right now I'm cracking up everytime it comes on.
The Tudors - It helps that he only had six wives, because it is starting to get a little repetitious. Knowing that the final season is coming up gives me a little more hope. Either way, I've really enjoyed the 'cool guy Henry VIII'.
Mad Men - Everybody seems to dig this show and I'm sure I agree for all the same reasons.
Hell's Kitchen (above) the greatest show on television.SHOWS I USED TO LIKE BUT NOW PRETTY MUCH DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYMORE
Heroes - Stupid. First season was killer. What happened? Like an idiot, I watched every episode this season hoping beyond hope. Hope dashed.
Entourage - Going through the motions.
24 - 24 x stupid. The whole premise is old. First season was hot. Then I fell asleep at some point and didn't really feel like turning it back on. What does that say?
Project Runway - I'm surprised about this, but I suddenly lost interest. Even my old pal Tim Gunn seemed to be phoning it in a bit.
Reality game shows: Survivor, Amazing Race, Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef - If there is a show where someone could be eliminated week-to-week, there is a good chance I'll like the show. I am a student of Survivor, a hopeful contestant with one of my sons on Amazing Race, and I've been to the actual Hell's Kitchen during service. This kind of show is in my wheelhouse.
Food network: Chopped, Good Eats - I like stupid cooking shows, what can I say?
American Idol (above) the stupidest show on television.SHOWS I'VE NEVER WATCH ONE MINUTE OF AND NEVER WILL
I don't let the fact that I've never seen any of these shows stop me from judging them as complete failures. They are stupid simply because I decided they were.
American Idol - Stupid
Dancing with the Stars - Stupid
Grey's Anatomy - Dumb.
Lost - Stupid