Sunday, August 22, 2010
Uncool Music Playlist - Pete Townshend "Rough Boys"
The Uncool hits keep on rolling... Live, from Jeff's iPod it is #18 on his most played list "Rough Boys" by Pete Townshend.
I always heard that this song was some kind of proof the Pete Townshend was gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). I don't know about any of that, but the dude can play guitar.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Uncool History - Mornings on Horseback

"Mornings on Horseback" by David McCullough.
I'm a big fan of David McCullough so I had to get this book even if I wasn't terribly interested in the topic. Man, I was wrong. This is nice, nice book that is essential if you want to understand the history of New York.
Basically, this a chronicle of young Teddy Roosevelt from about 10 years old up to the years just prior to his becoming a national figure. Much like Benjamin Franklin, this is one of those dude who did tons of stuff, any one of which would have been incredible.
My favorite: As a kid, he had a "zoo" in his bedroom where he personally stuffed birds and animals he had personally shot. As a kid. In New York. I guess some things never change...
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Saturday, August 7, 2010
Uncool Music Playlist - Britney Spears "Toxic"
The Uncool hits keep on rolling... Live, from Jeff's iPod it is #8 on his most played list "Toxic" by Britney Spears. It wouldn't be an Uncool music list without a little Britney.
This song is notable because it was all over the radio the first summer I was by myself here in Southern California. It is one of those songs for me that sets a time and place for when something is going on. There. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Uncool History - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Jeff's Uncool history series continues with a look at Nazi Germany...
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Shirer.
I'm not all that fascinated with World War II and the Nazi's but if you want any kind of grasp on the 20th century you have to have some perspective on it. Shirer's book is pretty meat and potatoes with names and dates and some general analysis. It is most famous for being the first major work on the topic.
It get bashed by the academics for lots of reasons but if you are looking for one book to get you up to speed, this should handle it.
I was particularly interested to find out how a poor man from a nothing family could rise up from nothing to be one of the biggest monsters in history. One lie at a time, I suppose...
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rise and fall of the third reich
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