I'm sure I'll have more football stuff this season, but I wanted to finish football week with the Rhodes Boys. I'm proud to report that all eligible Rhodes boys are either playing full-contact or flag football this season. The only exception is my two year old who is currently not eligible even though I forged his birth certificate to make him seem six years old.
My oldest is returning to the gridiron playing flag football along with son #3 and my nephew. Son #2 is playing full-contact on a travel team and is deep into his third week of practice.
The highlight last season was an oddity of the Rhodes clan: one of us scored a touchdown... on purpose!

ABOVE: Jack Rhodes (#99 to the left) lines up at fullback.
The play is ACE RHODES LEFT.
BELOW: The snap of the ball, the lines surge together.

ABOVE: Jack is grabbed in the backfield by #55 (in the middle).
He starts dragging the kid into the end zone.
BELOW: Jack is finally tackled but he falls forward. Is it enough?

ABOVE: Touchdown!
The story: Son #2 Jack played offensive and defensive line (per family tradition). It was his first year of organized ball in many years and he was doing pretty well in the trenches. One Friday night, I pick-up my son from his pre-game walk-through and he tells me, "Dad, they put in a play for me. Short yardage. As a running back." I was skeptical. After further questioning, I learned the play was called ACE RHODES LEFT and the coach only had two instructions: don't fumble and get one yard. This play has never been practiced and it was put in the night before the game. Yikes.
The next morning, I bring my camera to the game. Sometime in the second quarter, I noticed a 3rd and short. Before I could get my camera out, ol' #99 is lined up at fullback. Hut, hand-off, loss of one yard. Crap! I missed the shot and he lost a yard. The coach is never gonna run the play again and I missed it!
Third quarter. The Eagles are driving the ball and get close to the goal line. Since the last run was a failure I feel like the odds of running ACE RHODES LEFT are slim at best. But I decide to run down to the sideline with the camera just in case. The ball is at the one yard line. Jack Rhodes lines up at fullback. Yes!!!! I start snapping pictures.
Hand-off, dive, trip, fall. The big, fat referee walks slowly, slowly, slowly to where my son lays on the ground. Finally, with all of the energy his fat body can muster, the referee raises his hands. Touchdown!
A Rhodes has scored a touchdown in a real, regular season, sanctioned game. Despite losing every game that season, to quote my son, "It wasn't all that bad." Indeed.